Alex Campus Admissions

Thank you for considering an application to St David’s Marist Inanda Alexandra Campus. It is a privilege for us to be considered as a school of choice for your son and for your family.

Admissions documents

Admissions to grade 8 and 9

Download the application form (see above). Once completed please send to the Admissions Officer together with:

1. Copies of your son’s:

  • Unabridged birth certificate
  • Baptism certificate (if he is Catholic)
  • Most recent school report

2. Application fee (see fee structure), or proof of payment of application fee if paid by EFT.

3. Copies of ID documents of mother/father/guardian.

4. A recent ID/passport photo

Only once all the relevant documentation is received, can your son’s name be placed on our waiting lists.

All boys applying for Grade 8 write assessment tests and have an interview with the Headmaster or Deputy Headmaster.

For more information, please contact the Admissions office on +27 (0)11 215 7600 or

Banking Details:

First National Bank

Sandton City

Account Number: 62938960871

Branch code: 254605

Reference: Son’s Name and Surname

Important Dates: