Montagne Day Pledges

Building the next generation of young philanthropists

St Marcellin Champagnat 75th Jubilee photo collage (unveiled at the Montagne Day Mass, 28 October 2016). Designed by Mr Sheldon Rose-Reddiar of St David’s Marist Inanda, and incorporating portraits of all the St David’s pupils and staff of 2016)

Montagne Day, and the Montagne Day Pledge campaign, was launched at St David’s Marist Inanda in 2016, in remembrance of St Marcellin Champagnat’s meeting with the dying young Jean-Baptiste Montagne on 28 October 1816 – a meeting that inspired his vocation to found the Marist teaching order.

In the spirit of the 75th Jubilee and the Marist value of Love of Work, each St David’s boy was encouraged to raise, through his own efforts or acts of service, R75 to contribute to the Jubilee Circles of Friendship initiative, in support of a bursary for a young boy in need. These donations formed the start of each year group’s own Jubilee Circles of Friendship as per the matric years that they will eventually become. For example, those boys who are in Grade 6 in 2023 will be the matric class of 2029.

Montagne Day takes place at St David’s on or around 28 October each year, with the aim of encouraging the St David’s boys to become the next generation of young philanthropists. Since 2016 the annual pledges have raised just under R200 000.  Please click here to see the Montagne Day Pledge Class lists (2016 - 2022). Total Montagne Day Pledges of R30 000 were received in 2023.

Montagne Day and Montagne Day Pledge Campaign 2024

The Montagne Day Mass 2024 took place on Tuesday 29 October and the Montagne Day Pledge campaign was incorporated into St David's first-ever Giving Day which took place later that week on Thursday 31 October and Friday 1 November, raising R5.4 million in funding for the St David's Bursary Fund, the Upgrade to the Prep and College Academic Wing and a discretionary fund.

We thank our St David’s community for your ongoing support.