
Leave a lasting Marist legacy

This Fund offers donors the opportunity to leave a lasting Marist legacy through a bequest to the St David’s Marist Foundation. The impact of a bequest reaches far into the future and beyond a lifetime.

The spirit of Marist education has been shaping the lives of children for hundreds of years, and a bequest to the St David’s Marist Foundation ensures that this spirit continues to bring quality education to all. A bequest is for you if:

  • You believe in the spirit of Marist education and want to ensure St David’s future viability and strength
  • Long-term planning is more important to you than an immediate income-tax deduction
  • You want the flexibility of a donation commitment that doesn’t affect your current cash flow
  • You wish to “pay it forward” and leave a lasting legacy

For more information, see the St David's bequest information brochure below.

Your attorney is best placed to advise you on drawing up your will or attaching a codicil in respect of leaving a bequest to St David’s. However, please feel free to contact the Foundation should you need further advice or direction, at