Canoeing open day
A great deal of fun-in-the-sun was had at our Canoeing Open Day at Emmarentia Dam on Sunday 15 November. We had a fabulous turnout of twenty-seven boys from Grade 2 to Grade 7.
A heartfelt thank you must be extended to Phineas Zulu our coach, Jodie Dreyer, our GCU School league co-ordinator, Mrs Helen Mills and our most helpful dads and moms who assisted. I must commend our older boys who helped and encouraged the younger boys on the water. Our canoeing captain Matthew Cole assured the new boys that there was no harm in falling out the boats as he had done that many times.
Once the boys had completed a swim test in their clothes, Jodie demonstrated how to hold their paddle and explained what to do if they took a tumble out of their boat.
Training sessions will be held this weekend on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd November in the morning from 10-11 am. Please email Dot Johnstone at johnstoned@stdavids.co.za to book a spot for your son.