First Confession
On Monday the 20th of September, a group of our Prep boys celebrated their First Confession with the help of Father Kelvin, Father Pheko, and Father Wilbroad.
First Confession signifies each boys' first reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which is when the faithful are absolved of sins committed after baptism, through the act of confessing to a priest and carrying out penance. The Sacrament of Reconciliation allows for the absolved to then reconcile with the Catholic community.
This is the sacrament following Baptism, and allows for the Sacrament of the Eucharist - or Holy Communion - to be received. We are very proud of all boys who made their First Confession, and we will be keeping them in their prayers as they journey towards receiving the Body of Christ at their First Holy Communion in October this year.