Champagnat Day Celebrations

6 Jun 2022

The Feast Day of St Marcellin Champagnat was celebrated on Monday, 6 June starting with a beautiful combined Champagnat Day Mass in the St David's Quad. The Mass was co-celebrated by Fr Brian Mhlanga OP and Fr Jeffrey Madondo OMI from St Hubert's Parish in Alexandra. Representatives of the Alex parish accompanied Fr Jeffrey. Father Brian individually blessed the House plaques as part of the ceremony. 

Mass was followed by the traditional Champagnat Day activities, including many fun stalls for the Prep boys and soccer games for Prep and College boys as well as a staff game against some of our College Soccer players. Funds raised on Champagnat Day are directed to the Staff Giving Fund which is managed by the St David's Foundation and was established over 25 years ago by a group of staff members. The fund is used to assist boys at St David's with sports kit, medical assistance, tour costs etc, intended to ensure that all boys have equal opportunities to participate and succeed at St David's. Many staff contribute to the fund on a monthly basis via payroll giving and have impacted the lives of many boys over the years.

Our sincere thanks to the many staff members and parents who assisted in making the day meaningful, fun and festive. A special thank you to our estate and support staff for the many hours of work that went into ensuring that all of the events over the weekend and Monday were such a success, we definitely could not do this without your support!