Academic Awards Assembly

20 May 2024
Colleen Kennedy

On 17 May, we celebrated the academic achievements of our top students. Let us not forget that their success is not a stroke of luck - it is the result of countless hours of hard work, sacrifice and unwavering dedication. Success is not a given, it is earned. It is not reserved for the few, but rather is available to everyone.

I encourage all boys to let the achievements of the top academics serve as inspiration. One should not allow their success to diminish one’s own potential but rather to spur one on to greater heights.

For those of boys who set and achieved their goals last term, they may not have been called up on stage, but their efforts never went unnoticed.

The Matric Class of 2024 is to be especially lauded, as this cohort has continued to thrive academically. The Grade 12s now boast: 

  • 14 students with Half Colours for Academics
  • 32 students with Full Colours for Academics 
  • 11 students who now wear the prestigious blue blazers having achieved Specific Honours in Academics.
Specific Honours in Academics

Specific Honours in Academics is awarded to any student who achieves a combined aggregate of 86% in any two consecutive Mark Order Reports from the end of Grade 11 to Term 3 of his Grade 12 year. This aggregate must include an examination mark. 

We celebrate the following young gentlemen on the achievement of their prestigious blue blazers: 

  • Aryan Bhatt
  • Oliver Botha*
  • Christopher Correia
  • Adrian Dobrescu
  • Theo Dreyer
  • Michael Elfick
  • Campbell Goggin*
  • William Hayton
  • Aryan Jagroop
  • Jordan Klopper
  • Hein Langner
  • Gareth Oertel*
  • Jonathan Penumala
  • Benjamin Shahim

* = awarded 21 May

Full Colours for Academics

Full Colours is awarded to any boy who achieves a combined aggregate of 78% in any two consecutive Mark Order reports from the end of Grade 11 to Term 3 of his Grade 12 year. This aggregate must include an examination mark. 5 new awards of Full Colours were made, and we congratulate all 32 Matrics who hold Full Colours for Academics:

  • Aryan Bhatt
  • William Blair
  • Oliver Botha
  • Jack Brady*
  • Christopher Correia
  • Adrian Dobrescu
  • Theo Dreyer
  • Michael Elfick
  • Luke Gander
  • Campbell Goggin
  • Siviwe Goqwana
  • Ross Hallowes
  • Dylan Hau
  • William Hayton
  • Michael Henderson*
  • Mark Hudson
  • Aryan Jagroop
  • Jordan Klopper
  • Samuel Kobus
  • Colin Kruger*
  • Hein Langner
  • Raymond Linington
  • Fhatuwani Mudau
  • Kwame Ndegwa
  • Zuko Ntshikila
  • Gareth Oertel
  • Jonathan Penumala
  • Azile Pooe*
  • Benedict Rebello
  • Benjamin Shahim
  • Elliott Skei*
  • Cade Topping

* = new award

Half Colours in Academics

Half Colours is awarded to any boy who achieves a combined aggregate of 75% in any two consecutive Mark Order reports from the end of Grade 11 to Term 3 of his Grade 12 year. This aggregate must include an examination mark. 12 new awards of Half Colours were made on Friday, and we congratulate all 14 Matrics who hold Half Colours for Academics:

  • Connor Barnett
  • Keanu De Andrade*
  • Waishe Dube*
  • Ethan Epstein*
  • Theo Fonternel
  • Kai Haskell*
  • Michael Jack*
  • Siyabonga Mchunu*
  • Kopano Moepeng*
  • Phemelo Ratlhagane*
  • Sebastian Toet*
  • Zachary Valkin*
  • Anthony Wilson*
  • Andreas Yiallouris*

* = new award

Term 1 'Top Ten'






Matthew Barnett

André la Grange

Dominic Taylor

Theo Dreyer


George Psaros

Mishar Batohi

Tarun Vempati

Michael Elfick


Daniel Nyamgero

David Onunda

Jonathan Wentworth

Aryan Bhatt


Jordan Russell

Luca Tsimogiannis

Samrat Basu

Jonathan Penumala


Michael Savva-Savvi

Connor Mc Jannet

Matthew Dyer

Adrian Dobrescu


Kehvan Jayasekera

Ansh Mehta

David Kalil

Campbell Goggin


Nadeem Limalia

Cameron Wade

Jayden Knott-Beukes

Christopher Correia


Jatin Nanan

Dilan Bhaga

Shaun Hsu

Oliver Botha


David Hudson

Kamran Naidoo

Nicolai Paraian

Aryan Jagroop


Tshepang Mmowa

Miles Pegg

Warwick Bradford

Hein Langer

Term 1 'A' Aggregates





Didintle Kotsedi

Leo Attieh

Fayzan Adroos

William Blair

Andrew MacNair

Giulio De Villiers

Erik Arwidi

Luke Gander

Matthew Nicholson

Chanukya Doradla

Brett Bulger

Siviwe Goqwana

Arav Ramdarie

Ruben Langer

Max Croll

Ross Hallowes

Rishik Ramnarain

Shay Mehta

Matthew Freed

Dylan Hau

Kyle Stokoe

Kevin Mekgwe

Panayioti Hajichristoforou

William Hayton

Omphile Mohlala

Brendan Hope

Mark Hudson

Fabio Morse

Nicholas Jansen van Rensburg

Michael Jack

Christian Pagenkopf

Robert Jervis

Jordan Klopper

Darien Salovy

Cruz King

Samuel Kobus

Luc von Cziffra-Bergs

Raymond Linington

Fhatuwani Mudau

Kwame Ndegwa

Zuko Ntshikila

Gareth Oertel

Benedict Rebello

Benjamin Shahim

Cade Topping